“The landscaper belongs to the future. It is he who will weave the works of man and of the primitive into one harmonious whole, counteracting scars made on mother earth through ignorance.”
- Jens Jensen
Changing the world, one landscape at a time.
At Wilde North, we believe in respecting the environment, cherishing every creature and acting swiftly to reconcile with nature.
What makes us different?
Wilde North isn’t a landscape company, we are outdoor living advocates. It is our belief that gardening is just as inherent to humans as fishing, hunting, farming and movement. Since the dawn of civilization, we have experimented and interacted with the wild flora and fauna of the spaces we inhabit. Too often in the modern world, we attempt to rid our property of wildness, in doing so there are so many glorious moments lost. We know that the simple act of a butterfly dancing by can change your life, your perspective and your attitude. For us, a perfect day includes a long hike, catching some fish and coming home to a sanctuary brimming with God’s beautiful creations.
We procure these habitats to honor the amazing world that was handed to us, perfectly designed. Native plants are the species that have grown in our soil for thousands of years. With wildness, outdoor living spaces come alive with singing birds, bouncing butterflies and diligent bees. We strive to be one of a kind and create landscapes that transcend traditional garden boundaries and encourage our clients to be present and live wilde!

When you love what you do, every day is a blessing. We strive to leave this world better than we found it, by creating spaces that will provide treasured memories for decades.