Highland Park: Spanish Prairie


What do you get when you combine a California mission style home with native plants from southwest Minnesota? You get what we call the Spanish Prairie. Our goal for the Sandstrom family was to create a space that complimented the exotic architecture of their home while paying homage to the beautiful dry prairies found in the upper Midwest. By using species like Yucca, Rattlesnake Master, Prairie Smoke, Butterfly Weed, Prairie Onion and others, we can evoke a sense of place that feels one of a kind.

Our gardens increase value by providing landscapes that are low maintenance but also serve additional purposes. In this case we created a edible garden that wrapped around what would become the outdoor kitchen and dining area. Raspberries, cherries, currants, and of course the most beautiful Peach tree are just some of the plants included. To solve a problem of water in the basement, we diverted the downspouts into a raingarden. This space now flourishes with blossoms and butterflies. Species were selected for my clients preference of bringing cut flowers into the home, one of the great joys of gardening!

The front of this garden was planted with a unique mosaic of succulent plants, establishing a strong sense of character and complimenting the grandfathered-in cactus shaped topiary. These were a couple of wonderful people to work for and we always look forward to photos they send while enjoying the space.


Saint Anthony Park: Sensory Garden


Pollinator Habitat: Our Passion